Thursday, September 13, 2007

Yia mas!

The holiday has come, and has gone.

In the aftermath, all I have to show for it is a battered credit card, a handful of small souvenirs and a peeling tan.

And the memories of a fantastic three weeks... I walked through ancient Athens, stroked the marble of the Parthenon, watched a blood red moon rise over the Acropolis, raced a Nissan Micra along 360 km of winding mountain passes, ate my body weight in kebabs, sipped coffees on streets of Sparta*, paid homage to Leonidas, sat upon the seats of the all but forgotten theatre of Sparta, swam in the seas Odysseus and Jason sailed, overtook 4x4's in the mountain passes of Zante on our scooter and had generally had an unbelievably fantastic time :)

I really can't fault anything about our time in Greece. We missed all the major fires- had to do a couple of detours, but these worked out just fine too, due in a large part to the hospitality and general friendliness of the people we met. Hats off to the Greeks!

Now all I need to do is sort through the 900 odd photos I took and print off my favourites. Hooray for digital cameras :)

* Sparta was fantastic btw- an abject lesson in taking everything in the Rough Guide with an unhealthily large pinch of salt.

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