Saturday, August 04, 2007


Fuck me, I'm knackered. It's been a helluva couple of weeks... I forgot how busy it gets in the summer.

I've been shuffling piles of work from one end of my desk to another just to create enough space to be able to actually start something.. people are on leave left, right and centre, so their stuff gets passed on... lots of new work in... year end looming.. :P

What is it about warm weather that brings out the freaks? Almost every day now I've had my senses assaulted by some variety of Timmy.

If its not a twitcher or drooler, it's a bible thumper hollering that I'm in danger of paddling in brimstone for eternity, tempting to seal my fate by punching him in his gurning, self righteous mug.
Today I had a charity collector follow me for half a block, unable to comprehend a simple "no". I had to upgrade to "Fuck off, I don't care" before she wandered off to re-braid her sandals or eat more tofu, or whatever it is those people do when they're not littering the streets.

Man. By the time I reached the sanctity of the office I was already exhausted, my lovely new shirt decorated with oh-so-attractive sweaty rings under my arms. Yay.

The weekend is good, but set against the crushing weight of the in-tray waiting for me on Monday, its only a brief pit-stop. I need my holiday! Only 3 goddamn weeks to go :)

It's all that's keeping me sane.

Posted by Mark :: 00:49 :: 3 Comments:

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