Sunday, May 20, 2007

park life

Hurrah for sunshine!! After weeks of dismally bleak skies and yo-yo temperatures we're finally getting some sun today.
So it was off to the park for a bit of a stroll - I reckon it's about 2 - 2 1/2 miles around the path.

The little dog had a ball, leaping into muddy puddles, eating flies, racing through the long grass and sniffing anything remotely faeces-like. At least he didn't roll in any this time.

We sauntered more sedately than his frenetic to and fro'ing... we boldly decided to hit the gym hard yesterday morning and are paying the price today.

I'm glad I did - it gave me a chance to sweat out the effects of the large quantity of scotch, red wine and sambucca that I chucked down my gullet on Friday night. There's nothing quite like corporate funded entertainment to encourage a bit of alcholic gluttony :)

Posted by Mark :: 13:48 ::