Friday, January 27, 2006

Wham! It's Friday!

So! that was my first week at Acme Loans. A different world entirely from what I left behind at Doosdief Mortgages Inc. Seriously.

And it's not just the whole big-fish-from-small-pond-goes-to-really-big-pond-and-discovers- he's-actually-a-tiny-fish syndrome. It's a completely different take on finance to what I'm used to. Everything is shiny and new to me. The people I work with are intelligent, well spoken and intelligent, and are rather 'old school' about their work ethic. Its both refreshing and a bit intimidating. Do you have any idea how long it's been since someone corrected my grammar on a letter?

I tell you what, it makes such a difference to have to actually keep your brain in gear from the time you sit down in the morning until you leave in the evening. The days whizz by in happily productive blur. I love the old fashioned style that we send our correspondence out in. I like wearing a suit. I love the fact that today someone wired me £400 000 because I asked for it.
Maybe I'm some sort of office anorak; maybe once the novelty wears off I'll be cussing and cursing the day I sent my CV to them; maybe this is all just some sort of nervous/ hysterical reaction after the drudgery of the last 5 years and the bubble will burst and suddenly I'll be crying into my beer... but until that day comes round this is one happy little gecko.

Posted by Mark :: 21:22 :: 2 Comments:

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