Saturday, January 07, 2006


Ah, what a week.

Much has been made of going back to work after the christmas/ new years break, but you know what? I've had a good week.

Maybe it's the fact that I've pretty much stopped worrying about the cases I've got in my pipeline, or that I don't care about what I'm doing anymore. I find myself hopping onto the net at random times during the day, daydreaming, taking the time to actually enjoy the coffee I make myself, chatting to people more and so on.

Today was particularly choice. Got loads of post in, and as usual for a Friday there was nothing simple. Every fax was a 2 - 4 page long handwritten diatribe or sermon about something, and naturally they were all marked urgent.
I hit on the simple solution of simply ignoring them. Its the whole 'the boy who cried wolf' effect. Urgent just doesn't mean shit anymore.
I figure if it was urgent they would have contacted me by phone to say "Hey, I'm sending over such-and-such on fax number 555 0123, please could you grab and pass it to Mr Scrote, it's rather urgent." But, no one did, so they're all there fermenting in my in-tray.
A few weeks ago this would have caused me several degrees of apoplexy, but not anymore. What are they going to do? Bring it up in my next quarterly appraisal? Pffftt.

Ah, but what about your references you may say. Well, funny thing is, about a week before I handed in my notice I had my appraisal for the last quarter. It was a glowing report, chock full of nice things about me, about the extra effort I put in, how happy they are with my work etc.
God bless photocopiers >:¬]

Anyhoo, I'm not worried about getting snowed under by post on Monday.
The fun bit about ignoring stuff is once you get the hang of it you can do it any day of the week.

I broke the news about leaving to my colleagues yesterday. I was most pleased by the reactions I got. We're all going out on the 19th for a farewell drink... the translation of which is: I'm going to the pub at 12h30 and will remain there until it's time to go home, since tradition states everyone must buy me at least one drink :)
As long as no one buys me lager I'll be fine.
Posted by Mark :: 01:20 :: 3 Comments:

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