Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Do you have them in red? I'll take 4.

This Friday the EuroMillions lottery draw jackpot stands at..... £70 Million.
Yes, £70 million sterling. That's 70 million of the above coins.

I know, the odds are heavily stacked against me winning. But- they were equally stacked against Dolores McNamara, the Irish wimmin who scooped £77 million last year.

She wouldn't have won it if she didn't have a ticket. And that's the way I see it -- someone has to win it, and if I don't have a ticket then I have no chance whatsoever. Nada. Zilch. Fukoli.

I am someone else's someone.

What would you do with £70 million? (Or the equivalent in your own currency?)
At today's foreign exchange rates, that would be:

South African Rand: R 752,365,150.45
New Zealand Dollar: $ 178,329,665.66
Canadian Dollar: $ 143,713,536.26
US Dollar: $ 123,528,903.72

Here for more.

I tell you what. If I scoop the jackpot, I'll fly everyone who's visited my site over here to London, put them up in a 5 star hotel and have one hell of a party, all expenses paid.
And that's a promise.
Posted by Mark :: 23:51 :: 2 Comments:

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