Well, the xmas party has come and gone.
Sadly, it was quite tame this year, no doubt in part due to the fact our staff numbers are down by 60% from last year. But, it was fun, which is what counts, even if none of the ship's guns were operational.
And joy of joys, there was more than lager and cheap vino available from the free bar. I ended the night with at least half a bottle of Uncle Jack's fine beverage sloshing about my innards. Result!
I even danced a bit, which says a lot. The only real let down was the food, which was allegedly "a traditional christmas menu". It was average at best, and the after-dinner coffee was about as tasty as reheated dishwater. I had to resort to piling in sugar cubes to make it palatable.
But, it was free so it doesn't matter :)
I got there early and strolled around the ship... really quite interesting... learned a lot about what it must have been like to be seaman in the war.
I also learned that walking around a ship at night, with only a few dim overhead lights on and random mannequins leering from the shadows is very condusive to learning how to Walk Very Fast Whilst Ducking Under The Low Roof. *shudder*