Sunday, November 20, 2005


Somehow, he had lost the IT department

Here I sit on Sunday night, dreading going back to work tomorrow.

No doubt none of my work has been touched in the 2 days I've been off, so the entire week will be spent getting back on my feet. I'm morbidly curious to see what problems have manifested themselves.

I hate the fact that I feel this way. I'm by no means an optimist but I'm not normally this bad. I used to enjoy going to work... but that whole feeling has been eroded by the constant stream of negative things that have popped up in the last month.

Considering we spend a giant chunk of our days/ lives in the office (or wherever), isn't it fair want to actually enjoy pissing away those 9 hours of our life? Is that really too much too ask?

So, I figure if I'm stuck doing it, I might as well do it somewhere where I won't get treated like a moron. I sat tonight and browsed through some employment search engines and have sent my CV off to a couple of interesting sounding ones. I'm not going to spend the next x many days/weeks/months/ years living in dread of getting up for work. Sod it.

You know, I envy those happy few people who're actually doing what they grew up wanting to do. I sure as hell didn't grow up wanting to do mortgage admin. I just started off doing it as a way to earn some drinking money.

And "zAp!!!" 13 years later I'm still doing it. It's hard to think how different my life would be if the police had accepted my application all those years ago.
I don't think I'd recognise myself.


Anyhoo. I'm going to go have my bath and slip in to the soft caress of sleep for a few hours.

Posted by Mark :: 23:11 :: 3 Comments:

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