Thursday, November 03, 2005

Here we go again

It's now November. Ergo, it must be freezing outside.

This seems to pass for the mentality of some of the people I've seen this last week, particularly today-- walking hunched against a wind only they can feel, their fur lined hoods pulled up and over, all zips firmly fastened, fur lined gloves snugly on their hands, their neck and lower faces swathed in a thick scarf.

And completely oblivious to the guy standing there who's actually aware that in fact, it was 16C today. Cool, but not cold. Yes, it was raining, but that's what brollies are for. I wore a long sleeved shirt today as a concession to the gusty wind.

But come on. If you're wearing farking polar fleeces, waterproof jackets, scarves and enough layers to make a bushman sweat in Antartica now, when the temperature is firmly in the double digits, what the fuck are you going to do when winter actually arrives?

The malady has also begun to affect our train drivers, who have felt compelled to jam the heating on every morning. It's horrible. The carriages are always packed, full of the usual collection of dimwits, snotguzzlers, coughers, idiots with screaming brats, smokers reeking of stale tobacco and the Great Unwashed. All of which are unfortunately alive and generating body heat.

And,as you may or may not now, UK train windows only open about 10cm.
I don't know if the natives here have some sort of in-bred lemming reflex around open windows but I really don't understand it. Anyhoo, the net result is that the carriage becomes a greenhouse (or more accurately once flu starts circulating, an incubator), which is no doubt bliss for our thr anorak-and-fleece brigade.

Sigh. No doubt within the week the anaemic lettuce-lickers in the office will start complaining about the freezing temperatures and we'll have to close the windows to mollycoddle them a bit more.

Posted by Mark :: 23:49 :: 3 Comments:

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