Monday, October 24, 2005

Shop smart, shop S-Mart.

One man. One chin.
A lot gets said around the house about my taste in movies... much to most of my friends merriment, I seem to have a predilection for movies that most consider.. well, borderline crap.
Pfagh! Philistines.
Much groaning abounds if I open the grey cabinet when people are visiting.
For therein lurks a treasure trove of b-grade gems, painstakingly collected through e-bay and shadowy retail outlets throughout our little isle.
The only one missing, the crown jewel itself, is Army of Darkness.
Hail to the King indeed.
I was introduced to this cinematographic shiny by Captain Veg during our stint in the army.
Well, I think it was after our army days, on one of my visits to the north.
I was hooked... I think thats where it all stems if you need to blame someone, go to Preston and knock on his door.
There's something just so delightfully, unashamedly cheesy (no offence) to these movies.. it forces you to sigh loudly,cuddle the popcorn a bit tighter, and just sit back and enjoy the happy antics of the shuffling undead with complete abandon.
Mind you, Christmas is coming.
Maybe I should try nicking a trick from the wimminfolk of the world and drop hints.
But then, I'm a man and am therefore immune to innuendo of any sort.
I wouldn't know a hint if it bit me on the ass.

Posted by Mark :: 22:49 :: 0 Comments:

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