Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Dear Santa....

I've been trying to figure out why some men are so scared and/or intimidated by strong, attractive & intelligent women, and I can't really get a handle on it.
Whats the attraction of a mindless Barbie clone?

Freud would, I suppose, pin the blame on some repressed angst about their mother.
For my part I reckon the root of it being a fragile ego and lack of confidence.

God forbid she's actually better at something than you, what would the guys down at the pub say? Best to lager up and maybe give her a bit of a slap, just to keep her in place. There, don't you feel better? All strong and macho?

This kind of attitude/ mind-set features quite often in men of any religion who belong to a more "conservative" (i.e "all our thinking was done centuries ago, so we don't have to bother") sect, and men from eastern Europe.

And why do some women feel the need to become a Barbie in the first place? So guys will like you? Sure, you dress and act the part, and then moan that Johnny treats you like dirt and doesn't give you any respect.
The fact is, you're advertising a certain package deal, and that will attract certain types of men.

And that slap from the other night? Well, you've come to thinking that maybe you did deserve it, maybe you were being hard on him. And after all, he did say 'sorry' and buy you those carnations from the petrol station.

Perhaps as a man I simply can't get/ tap into the psyche behind that kind of situation- I can't imgine dumbing myself down/ changing my likes/dislikes just so someone will pay attention to or like me.
If I figured I've have to to that, then they're not really someone I'd be interested in knowing in the first place you know?

I don't get it. Chatting to one of the guys at work, I noticed he had a picture of Pammie Anderson on his desktop. I offered to send him one of Angelina, and he said "Oh god no."
I asked him what his malfunction was, she's gorgeous.. his reply?
"Nah, she's fucking scary mate."

Why? What's so goddamn scary? Performance anxiety, I reckon.

I certainly wouldn't kick her out of bed if she farted.

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