Monday, November 28, 2005

Gimme a job mister, please. I'll be good.

Tomorrow morning I get to sneak into The City for an interview with a super duper high powered private merchant banking group.

Which means I have to wear a tie. Ack. I hate ties. It always feels like my head is swelling up.. and that any moment I'll be spraying blood from my eyes in some weird stress-induced defensive reaction.

Or maybe it's just because the only time I wear them these days is for interviews, and I hate interviews with a passion. It must be some sort of Pavlovian response.

Anyway, hold thumbs. If I get it, I finally escape from my own, private Hell Dimension to a world where I'm not treated like Kiepie die Doos*. The doors it will open boggle the mind.

Oh, as an added bonus, the starting salary is almost 5k more than I'm getting at the moment.

* a.k.a the village idiot.

Posted by Mark :: 22:42 :: 2 Comments:

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