Sunday, April 09, 2006

Bunnies taste good.

After being bombarded with chocolate eggs since just after New Year's, Easter is eventually looming on the horizon.

Almost time for the Great Herd to shamble to the trough and start devouring a few thousand tons of cheap chocolate confectionaries. After all, it is Easter and as everyone knows, Jesus was actually helped off the cross by an army of chocolate chickens and rabbits (who had, in a cunning stroke of genius, covered themselves in tinfoil so they could blend in with the roman soldiers on duty).

It irks me how Easter seems to have been hijacked somewhere along the line and turned into something tacky and cheap. True, everyone has their own take on what it's about, but how the hell did it go from that to seeing how many eggs little Timmy can stuff in his mouth before puking them up over the couch?

As a kid, having grown up as a Christian, Easter was first and formost a religious holiday. It was only after going to church (and behaving impeccably) that we were allowed out on an easter egg hunt. Try that these days you'd probably be arrested & charged with infringing Timmy's human right to be an immoral, mindless glutton.

Thanks to the wonderful climate in South Africa, easter egg hunts were by neccesity conducted a high speed and involved eggs in tinfoil. Its not fun finding an egg that's been basking in the African sun for an hour; however if you did, the tinfoil was invaluable in preventing you from eating a doggy landmine.
Posted by Mark :: 23:25 :: 7 Comments:

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