Monday, April 03, 2006

Retail therapy

today was not a nice day.

there wasn't enough coffee on this ratty little island to make me a nice person.
i made a wee little fuck up at work, nothing irretrievable but enough to make me feel incredibly stupid the entire day. and paranoid of course, since i am technically on probation.

added on top like some sort of obscene psychological cherry was a general feeling of abandonment and "lostness" since no onle actually sits next to me these days, so i can't simply ask a question when i get stuck on a task. no, i have to get up, walk around a bank of desks and do the whole "please effendi, i'm sorry to disturb you, but...." routine every time.


so after work i did a little shopping.
gadget shopping.

and i do feel better :) especially when rounded off with sossies & mash for dinner! It's enough to make me use punctuation again.
Posted by Mark :: 20:53 :: 1 Comments:

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