Friday, March 23, 2007


Seen it twice now.

Its.Fucking. Awesome.
Go see it.

Posted by Mark :: 23:32 :: 3 Comments:

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Random thought.

Why are all planets & moons round?

Posted by Mark :: 21:35 :: 0 Comments:

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Saturday, March 17, 2007



I've just booked tickets to see 300 at the Imax next Friday! :D

I can't wait to hear "Tonight we dine in Hell" coming at me from a 11,600-watt digital surround-sound system....

Posted by Mark :: 16:40 :: 3 Comments:

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spreading the lurve...

Too cool not to share.

The Punisher rocks.
Give me him or Batman over spandex boy anyday.

Posted by Mark :: 23:23 :: 0 Comments:

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

We march.




Posted by Mark :: 22:25 :: 0 Comments:

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

skRitch SkRitch SkrItcH

Aah, lazy sundays. Today was busy, yet lazy at the same time. I got woken by the dog this morning as he whined at the foot of the bed. He didn't want anything except to let us know he was awake and hungry.

After kicking him solidly up the arse and stuffing him back under his blanket I crawled back into bed, but by then the sun was lighting up the room in a non ignorable way.
So. Long story short, by 9:30 we were out the house and on our way to the big ass park down the road for a long walk. Got back, had an impromptu fry-up (fresh air + exercise = starvation!), then headed off to homebase to price up some bits and pieces I need to try transform the mud-pit behind our house back into a usable garen for the summer.

Got back home, had some tea & biscuits, crashed onto the couch to watch Hellboy: Sword of Storms. Kind of flaked out midway through..woke up, resovled to watch it again during the week. Dusted off my sketch pad & a pencil or 3, doodled for a couple of hours, trying to find my style. Sounds poncey, but I'm so out of practice I just need to draw anything at this stage, no matter how squiff it looks just to get back into it.

After my arm cramped out I headed upstairs for a few rounds of 2142 before coming downstairs for supper and to watch Supernatural and Heroes.
So,I kind of did a lot, but none of it was chore-like. So I'm not sure if I was busy or lazy today :/

Posted by Mark :: 23:31 :: 0 Comments:

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Monday, March 05, 2007

Blood moon

We watched the lunar eclipse last night... the gradual disappearance of the moon was interesting to watch, but once it had been completely swallowed the sky changed dramatically... it was like watching Star Wars on the Imax.

For a good few minutes, the sky was something alien, dominated by this shimmering red globe that hung there, irresistibly drawing your gaze onto it. Fantastic!
Posted by Mark :: 20:52 :: 2 Comments:

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Friday, March 02, 2007


I've been feeling more..creative than usual recently. Not sure why, or what's prompted it, but I'm trying to hang onto it this time.

I have to get some of these ideas out of my head and onto paper/ clay/ word. I'm running out of space for all of them.

So, I've got some nice new inkers and pencils, a couple of scrapbooks, a miniature canvas, a keyboard and a waiting cursor. Now I just need to sit my arse down and get working! Watch this space- i'll try stave off my innate laziness and mark my progress here on something resembling a regular basis.

no, really. i will. honest.
Posted by Mark :: 20:38 :: 1 Comments:

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