Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Silent Hill

Urgh, I feel sick.

But not because of the movie as such, it's more likely attributable to the giant packet of M&M's I ate while watching it. Those evil bastards at Blockbusters are giving them away if you rent 2 movies.

The bad part is I told myself to stop after the first handful....but I could still see them, with their evil little candy shells and peanutty goodness hidden inside. They called to me, forced me to eat them.

All of them.

Urgh. I feel almost as bad as the movie was... but at least I'll be better in a few hours. The movie, however, has naught to look forward to except an eternity at the bottom of supermarket "bargain bins".
Posted by Mark :: 17:13 :: 0 Comments:

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Monday, October 16, 2006


I cannot wait for 300 to hit the bigscreen.

I've watched the trailer at least a dozen times.. and each time it gives me the chills, in a good way. Bring it on!

Posted by Mark :: 14:24 :: 2 Comments:

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Monday, October 09, 2006


It's here at last! my indulgence, my present to me from me!

I'm still going through the slog of installing all my bits & bobs, but it's eating the installations CD's with a sneer of contempt and beckoning for more..

ANd aaaaah ooooog phwoooooar oh gods, why didn't I upgrade my graphics card years before! what a treat for my eyes to play Guild Wars at maximum resolution without so much as a hiccup.... its more beautiful than I realised!

I'm busy downloading patches for BF1942 & BF2..... can't wait to see what they look like on something besides the minimum settings! :D
Posted by Mark :: 22:18 :: 0 Comments:

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