Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Return of the G.O.M.*


Man,I hate going back to work after a break. Not just because I'm going back to work, but because inevitably no one has bothered doing any of my work while I've been off and my in-tray looks like a paper replica of the frigging Eiffel Tower.

Or what they have worked on, they've cocked up completely.

Today, the first day back, was a case of C: Both of the above. I'm exhausted- any all I have to look forward to tomorrow is the second pile of shite which I didn't even manage to dent today.

Arrgh!!! Serves me right for having time off.

* Grumpy Old Man. Mrs G, for whatever strange reason, has formulated the belief that I'm becoming one of those grumpy, caustic old men you occasionally see in the park, hissing at youngsters and hurling 3 week old bread at the ducks with enough force to dent a land rover.

Posted by Mark :: 18:53 :: 0 Comments:

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