Monday, July 25, 2005

Run Forrest Run

Last week the police shot a man who they suspected of being a potential suicide bomber; he failed to stop, ran headlong into a tube station, vaulted the ticket barriers and tried to board a tube-- as he did, he was tackled by the cops and shot in the head.

Read an article here.

In my opinion, it takes a special kind of stupid to run from armed police who've told you to stop.
I mean, look at the facts: there were a second wave of bombings on the tubes, so everyone's on edge. All the bombers were carrying rucksacks and of a middle eastern complexion (i.e. brown).

So, along comes our Brazilian, wearing an unseasonably warm quilted jacket (it's summer for crying out loud) and carrying a large backpack/ rucksack. Police challenge him, so what does he do? He bolts and runs into the station where he tries to board a busy tube.

Full marks to the cops-- there isn't a middle ground you can take when facing a potential threat like this. Shooting them in the head is the only way to stop someone who cares nothing for his own life and only wants the opportunity to kill as many innocent bystanders as he can.

Naturally, the Bleeding Heart Brigade has now jumped on the bandwagon, painting a fuzzily warm picture of a man who was kind, thoughtful, cried when he watched Watership Down, never walked over flowerbeds and so on, cruelly gunned down by trigger happy Rambos.
Something like this.

Obviously the BHB & their supporters would feel much better about things if he had been a bomber, and the police had been too crippled by the fear of someone with hurt feelings suing them for doing their job to do anything about it.

Until of course someone they know gets turned into shards of crispy critter by some dickhead who's feeling spiritually traumatised by something that a bunch of Franks did 1000 years ago.
Then we'll see what kind of response they support.
Posted by Mark :: 12:22 :: 0 Comments:

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