Tuesday, June 14, 2005

ooh I'm freezing ooh ooh ooh

I have nothing against women and am a supporter of all that equal rights stuff, but I thought women were mammals and thereby warm blooded, as in able to generate body heat.

Its obviously not the case for specimens born in the UK. Its a pleasantly warm day outside (around 20 C), blue skies etc etc. But yet the entire day my female colleagues have been fretting and moaning about the fact that I have my desk fan on and how cold it is and how they're freezing.

Its a fan ferchrissake, not a fridge. All the guys in the office are wearing shortsleeved shirts and are happily getting on with their work; all the women are rubbing their arms and tut-tutting about the inconsiderate brutes who have dared to either a) crack a window open or b) switch a fan on.
If you're cold you have arrange of options available to you to make your life more comfortable:

a) Put your jacket/ sweater on.
b) Get off your ass and go make me some tea. Movement generates heat, plus you get to hug the kettle.
c) This one's tricky- in the morning, if you think the ambient temperature for the day is going to be less than the 40 C you require in order to not feel cold, wear something more substanstial than a flimsy skirt, breezy blouse and useless sandals (that you no doubt paid some ridiculous sum of money for).
d) Eat something besides lettuce. Put some meat on your bones.
Posted by Mark :: 11:53 :: 2 Comments:

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