Sunday, June 12, 2005

What have I done?

Ah fuck it.

How did I find myself messing around with this crap at this time on a Sunday night..? I was supposed to be playing medal of goddamn honour, not trying to create some bloggy thing.

This is like waking up naked next to someone you don't recognise in the morning- what the fuck should you say? "Hello? My name's Bob, sorry I came in your eye last night. Whats your name by the way?"
Chances are you'll wind up talking shit, like I am now.

I reckon it'll take me
a) a few drinks
b) practice or
c) both of the above

before I get the hang of this.

So bear with me while i find my feet.

Or sod off.

I mean, I'm not doing this for money so I really don't care if your life hasn't been changed for the better by reading this and you've decided to go try find pictures of tits on Google. Go away. No one invited you anyway.

I can see this is going to be fun.
Posted by Mark :: 23:05 :: 1 Comments:

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